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- Update on Koda
Hi everyone. it’s been a while so I thought I’d update.
The specialist really just sent me on my way with a kidney diagnosis based on the labwork.
I once again felt left alone with no “plan”.
Koda’s labs last Thursday showed little improvement and worse renal values. Reg vet left a message and mentioned rx food and supps. No recheck…nothing. I’m oficially done with her.
Again, feeling left on my own, I went to yet another vet. An integrative vet with a line of products she made, a book she wrote and touted as a bit of a celebrity locally with being on the local news shows.
I wasn’t impressed, but after going to her website, reading the reviews, and no other options, I took Koda there.
She immediately put fluids into him…appalled that I was sent home with no plan or direction, she went to work…she’s a bit of a mad woman..a controlled, directed, intelligent, patient mad woman WITH A PLAN. God bless her. Finally, someone on my side working for us and she told me “We will work on this together.”
I was there over an hour and a half. She is heavily addressing the renal failure and anemia. She isn’t sure about the anemia but thinks it could be spleen related, perhaps hemangiosarcoma.
He has never stopped eating and is on a homemade diet of potatoes chicken/eggs and a green veggie slurry.
he’s getting a litre of fluids daily. She told me he needed to be hospitalized on a 3 day drip again, but she sent me home set up with SQ saline bags and we are flushing him out at home…knowing I’m almost broke now.
He actually acted a little stronger last night.
That’s where we are. One day at a time…he’s content, comfortable…still walks like a drunk sailor at times and still falls….but now maybe he can improve…it may be too late, but now I feel like I’m truly doing everything for him to keep him feeling well. And who knows…maybe he will improve. She has a plan…music to my ears.
Love to all,
Hi Terri
You & Koda have had a rough journey. Good on you for looking around for someone else to help – I truly hope this new lady will have a good plan for supporting Koda. Sometimes the ones you think are a bit mad are the best! Sounds like Koda is a very happy boy & you are being a great Mum, keeping him comfortable & well fed. I’m so glad you let us know how things are going. Please keep in touch- crossing everything for you both,
Love Sheena, Worzel & Ollie
Thank you so much for the update! I really like the new vet too – she sounds passionate and engaged in the fight for Koda, I’m s glad you have her on Team Koda! Thinking of you both and sending big hugs –
Tamara and Ashki
Hi Terri. You and Koda have really been through it. I like the sound of your ‘mad woman’ too and agree sometimes this is what it takes. She sounds genuine AND knowledgeable. When do you go back to her?
I am so thinking of you both and optimistic too Please keep us updated.
you are the best fur mom and Koda is so very forunate to have your continued love and support. I am sending huge hugs and much love to you both,
- This reply was modified 10 years ago by admin.
Thanks everyone! I posted something the other day but I see it didn’t make it.
Koda went back the other day for another full panel.
His kidneys are functioning again. Crea was 3.2 and is now 1.7 bun went from 80 to 34.
Next up is to erradicate ( or try to) this infection that keeps trying to shut down his organs and causing this anemia. We thought it was stemming from the kidneys but it seems as though the intruders in his body are causing all of this.
Dr. Carol called in Minocycline for us last night.
Am praying for a miracle that this takes care of this infection but cancer is not off the table.
He still has neuropathy and anemia but seems content and still eats well.
Oy vey the time we’ve had.
I pray wellness and happiness to you all and your furbabies. :)
Terri and Koda
This is a total long shot, but is Koda intact? I know someone who has an intact Golden and his IMHA was driven by an infection that was in his prostate, they didn’t find it until she went to a vet school. Just thought I’d throw that out there.
I’m so happy his kidneys are doing better!!!
tamara and ashki