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- Urgent Advice Page
We have a new urgent advice page for owners to submit a message to the moderators. You can also upload your lab tests here and we will get them in our email. I am really tired after doing this so I am going to bed.
I found a picture of our frog in the pond while I was looking for a picture of Chance. It really isn’t a dog or a cat but since I worked so hard tonight my reward is to show you my frog. They have started singing this spring already.
It’s 7:00AM here and Sadie is wanting to eat – AGAIN!!! I told her I need to try this ‘urgent advice’ thing first. She be sits, patiently. Poor, undernourished doggie.
I am on my iPhone. I see no place for phone number or download, pulling up on my iPhone.
I will check on iPad and then computer.
Linda and patient Sadie
Hi Patrice
This is brilliant. Have just tried it on iPhone and it seemed to work fine. I wasn’t able to put phone number in as it needs to be in US format I think, but could submit it without a number. I was able to upload a photo. As yet unsure about documents from iPhone as not sure I have any on here.
Well done! I hope you managed to get some sleep.
Mary x
Working -even on iPhone!!! You are too much Patrice!!
So, what the heck do you do in free time – i.e., relaxation?!? Oh, I know – this. No really – we can not thank you enough for all your hard work and determination to help any and all AIHA/IMHA pets and their owners.
Huge thank you. And lots of love,
Linda and Sadie
Patrice, you have a beautiful frog. I remember waking up one night and hearing this constant noise. In the darkness I could see something jumping by the window – A RAT!!!!! Well it wasn’t a rat. I turned on the light and saw this poor very lost frog. We do have frogs in the area and I’ve seen a few since, but NOT IN MY ROOM!!!
I ring my nephew, who is a frog freak – has always kept frogs. He wants to proceed to snakes, but his wife has other ideas. Of course it’s 5am in the morning, so he is now just freaked – he thought I was ringing with bad news. He helped a lot – “Just pick it up!”. Well sure. It’s not a rat, but it’s still a frog. I have a straw bag in my room, so I emptied it out and managed to prod the frog into jumping into the bag with an umbrella whereupon I run outside and dump the bag in the garden. Thank goodness it was gone in the morning.
Linda go feed poor Sadie. She’s hungry.
Patrice you deserve some good quality sleep time.
Patrice, this site is, in reality a big step up from the last one – offers so much more with some fabulous extras – the urgent help is just a brilliant idea.
Vally – I agree – a HUGE step up for before. It show the dedication that you have promoted here.
I WAS able to complete the form (obviously, I sent it to you all) fine on the computer. This is just awesome!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! And a huge hug, Linda
Sorry – was supposed to be: a HUGE step up FROM before – I really must proof read – my fingers go faster than my brain……
xo Linda