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- AIHA non`regenerative post rattlesnake bite
Myy 12 yr whippet was bitten by rattlesnake on june 3. 4 vial antivenin given. Severe bruising, now anemic a HCTt@20. Lethargic, weak. poor activity tolerance, but able to walk to urinate and defecate. Starting to eat and drink with encouragement I am told that no good regenerative respose being seen. lab work pending for Coombs, tick panel.Platelets normal. Transfusion suggested, but as pet was walking and appeared comfortable( a marked improvement over previous days) I opted to wait until more info. If no regenerative response seen and PCV does not increase is it reasonable to transfuse or is this only temp. measure without good outcome.
Hi Robin, I’m so sorry to hear about your whippet. I know Patrice has contacted you by email, and I would absolutely contact Dr Jean Dodds to get her help too. She is an expert in blood disorders. She also responds very quickly.
The transfusion is there only to buy time to let the drugs do their job, so certainly there is merit in having the transfusion if it’s recommended. As to whether a regular transfusion or oxyglobin, again, I would leave that to the expert, Dr Dodds in particular.
What is your pet’s name? A boy or a girl?
My best, Vally.
Hi Vally,
Slipper is a 12yr old male whippet. I am starting to question the differential diagnosis of non-regenerative IMHA as Slipper is steadily improving with an increase of his PCV today without a transfusion, a neg coombs, a much brighter affect, and an increased interest in food. At this time I don’t have the path report on his cbc, but it should be available very soon. He was started on prednisone 20 mg thursday night. On monday he will have a CBC PCV and t-bili and be re-evaluated by the internal med. vet. . He did have a large blood loss into his tissue after the rattlesnake bite, but the external signs of bruising are starting to resolve. So at this time I am going to stop panicking unless he shows signs of increasing anemia. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate having your site as a resource. The information and support is so reassuring. If i find that his repeat bloodwork is off and the vet still believes IMHA, I will contact Dr Dodds for guidance. Again thank-you so much. Just getting a response was so heartening, as I have spent the last week expecting each day to put my favorite traveling companion to sleep.
Slipper is doing very well Numbers rising and feeling well. Still a challenge to get him to eat as I think his mouth and gut are still sore from the venom damage. I will get another CBC with pathology Friday and we will start to wean from the Prednisone. Wish us luck!